Friday, December 02, 2005


Have been thinking about my present state of affairs for the last few days, which by the way have been pretty despondent with a whole lot of sleepy never ending lectures. Finally arriveth the much awaited days off, that too three ... sweeeeeeet!!

Quasiperiodicity - physics with diverse applications in chaos theory ... hmm, still remember some of the stuff from my final semester (which seems so far back in time at the moment)!! My memory recalls it to be a helical path taken by a moving particle along the circumference of a bound doughnut where the same point is never traversed twice.

As I was saying, it seemed that I was living in a while(1) loop (my erstwhile wingmate, pardon me for infringing on your copyright). Sadly my wallet convinced me otherwise!! Life seemed to have established a regular motonic pattern of its own in this sleepy little town (by indian population standards, you might even call it a village) of Airdrie.

Morning 7:30 to evening 6:30 - play TT, listen to an unending chattering of sounds which go by the name of Indonesian language and ridiculed, eat food worser than Kgp (that too thrice), get ridiculed by a Scot and study if you got time after all this.
Back to the apartments from school sleep or eat and then off to that small unhappening place described as a pub and called, for some unknown reason, "One Eyed Jacks"!!
Back again to the apartments, chat for sometime and off to sleep, only to wake up to yet another uninspiring day!!

Sounds pretty much like a while(1) loop?? So did it to me!! Only yesterday did this amazing realization dawn upon me that somewhere things kept changing. It did seem more comfortable sitting on the chairs at that very same OE Jacks, only to realize after a few pegs of vodka that my wallet had gone on a diet without me being aware of it. The temperature outside has had a free fall since last week and the number of layers of clothes on my body has been proportionally increasing ever since. Last I knew it was -25 degC outside, after which this novelty too wore off!! Thought of some other changes in my sorrounding parameters as well but I'd rather not list them all here!!

Temperatures from last week to this!!

Just suffice to say hence it becomes a quasiperiodic state in life!!


Blogger Dipanjan Das said...

indonesian language?

ekhon kothay tui?

7:44 AM  
Blogger kray said...

I feel ya man!! Tho the temp's thankfully just abt -5 :) And oh yes, replace Bahasa Indonesia with Thai.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm the dubious monotony of life...nice take on quasiperiodicity tho!!:)
Btw,wouldnt u guys be able to see the Aurora Borolis from up there?The pic reminded me of that.Frik,if u do,TAKE SOME PICS AND POST 'M!!!
Dood,just remember that u've already made it big....hang on there bhai>:D<

7:58 PM  
Blogger Souvik said...

@DD: han ekhono canada tei achi kintu trng center-e ek guchho indonesian-er dol ... ki je biroktikor kichir michir kore jay sharadin ki bolbo!! emon adbhaut lanugage aj obdhi shuni ni ... kono punctuation nei kono thama nei shune mone hoy "a random permutation of strange noises NOT produced by the larynx"!!

@Kray: What else but sympathize with u ... but indonesian is worse than thai blv me ... we have 2 Thais with us ... sounds better off!!
N dont remind me of the temp!!

@C212: suddenly remembered 8th sem and obv the only subject i liked in that sem was Chaos thanx to SBann. So linked it up. Will try n capture a pic ... but it shud come up in abt 2 weeks not now. Ar oto gas khaoash na ... fete jabo ebar!! :P ... just kidding

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great!I've heard that the "Northern Lights" are really something spectacular and overwhelming to look at.Geez am I jealous!:-w

7:58 AM  
Blogger kb said...

i hate ppl getting trapped in while(1) loops

3:41 PM  
Blogger Souvik said...

@KOBA- tai to bollam exact while(1) loop na!! :p ... quasiperiodic orbit!! tor blog tate comment likhte gechilam ... kichutei upload holo na ... manager der byapare ekebare khati kotha likhechis!!

8:06 PM  
Blogger Vämp!rë said...

r u njoying life or not?

2:51 PM  
Blogger ~Lord Anshul said...

a profound nerdy title, and a simple post !!

cheers aaddo !! :)

6:56 AM  
Blogger sandeep said...

dude no new posts for days...

quasiperiodic is still ok ...but don't you make it quasistatic

8:51 PM  
Blogger Souvik said...

@ sandy- here i am urs truly with a new post!!

@vampire- ya no doubt am enjoying life but sometimes job life does seem so less exciting compared to college!!

9:31 AM  

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