First and foremost Scholars' Avenue is back!! Woow ... great going guys ... its one of the best things to have been started in Kgp!! And of course a big big thanks to alums like Joyjit and Roy who took enormous pains to "bug" the upper echeleons of Kgp to get things sorted out.
Some more reasons to be happy -
1. Its become unusually warm out here. After a week of 'deep-freezing' (analogy from a freezer) temperatures, its back to about 10-12 degrees!! Sweeeeeet .....
2. Finally saw a "tote" (refer to the comments on this post) in Schlumberger n will be seeing her for the next 2 weeks daily!!
3. Have been "playing back" ... don't bother what it means, except that it is a senseless way of numbing your brain at the end of 4 hours at the end of which you feel euphoric at having learnt nothing and achieved even less!! (happy because it helped me spend an otherwise boring Sunday).
In fact at the moment, I have 3 colleagues in front of me still hard at 'playing back' ... and I am deriving sadistic pleasure waching them tearing their hair apart while I blog and 'laugh' (as our instructor says)!! Not that I'm done but have no hair left to tear apart ... so gave up!!

4. Had some Jack Daniels' ... truly amazing!!
Now the sad parts -
1. Have to go back to school tommorrow once again to handle nuclear sources ... God help my babies!!
2. Went to Calgary yesterday but learnt that lap dances are illegal (please contact over yahoo msngr for further details)
3. Got 'raped' in the last practical exam we had ... of course not just myself, but the whole class in general. Hence the "second sixtieth playback session" to get things right ... damn the Scot!!
4. My friends say that I too am picking up a Scottish accent!! N my presentation is coming up shortly!!
Another problem -
A 'lady' (trying to be polite) rang up my home from my bank ... my parents could not understand her Queen's accent!! Now they have assumed for some reason that I am upto no good and are trying to make discreet enquiries about my supposed activities in this part of the world!! God help me!! Was wondering ... How come she never rang me here but rang up my parents??
Some more reasons to be happy -
1. Its become unusually warm out here. After a week of 'deep-freezing' (analogy from a freezer) temperatures, its back to about 10-12 degrees!! Sweeeeeet .....
2. Finally saw a "tote" (refer to the comments on this post) in Schlumberger n will be seeing her for the next 2 weeks daily!!
3. Have been "playing back" ... don't bother what it means, except that it is a senseless way of numbing your brain at the end of 4 hours at the end of which you feel euphoric at having learnt nothing and achieved even less!! (happy because it helped me spend an otherwise boring Sunday).
In fact at the moment, I have 3 colleagues in front of me still hard at 'playing back' ... and I am deriving sadistic pleasure waching them tearing their hair apart while I blog and 'laugh' (as our instructor says)!! Not that I'm done but have no hair left to tear apart ... so gave up!!

4. Had some Jack Daniels' ... truly amazing!!
Now the sad parts -
1. Have to go back to school tommorrow once again to handle nuclear sources ... God help my babies!!
2. Went to Calgary yesterday but learnt that lap dances are illegal (please contact over yahoo msngr for further details)
3. Got 'raped' in the last practical exam we had ... of course not just myself, but the whole class in general. Hence the "second sixtieth playback session" to get things right ... damn the Scot!!
4. My friends say that I too am picking up a Scottish accent!! N my presentation is coming up shortly!!
Another problem -
A 'lady' (trying to be polite) rang up my home from my bank ... my parents could not understand her Queen's accent!! Now they have assumed for some reason that I am upto no good and are trying to make discreet enquiries about my supposed activities in this part of the world!! God help me!! Was wondering ... How come she never rang me here but rang up my parents??
lol..."play some roogby or get fooked,aye!":))
lapdance nilli naki.
harami chhele!
@c-212 - na na rugby kheli ni ... amra je logging kori shetar real time data niye process korte hoy ... shetake playback kora bole!! eto frust jinish na ki bolbo!!
@ dipanjan - arre lap dance illegal re!! tai to dukkhito!! tui niyechis naki??
lap dance....
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