12th Sept - the day I set foot in a strange oasis of snow was kind of strange. Supposed to come alone in a 17 hour long flight, the Mumbai airport through up a pleasant surprise in the form of a colleague. A fabulous first two weeks just seemed to confuse me even more; here I was expecting to get back to a schedule, if not busier, at least as busy as my final year and there I was partying and chilling around in pubs ... boy, who would expect this!?!?
Drinking for the first time outside the circle of those wonderful guys in Kgp just seemed to remind me of the distance from home sweet home. And invariably after a bottle of beer/vodka, the discussion turned to life at the IIT-s (no prizes for guessing the background of the guys I was drinking with)!! SUCH IS THE POWER OF NOSTALGIA ...
A week into this "wonderful new culture, food and environment" ... hey, hold on ... wasn't everything too clean, too perfect, too free for my liking? The english language is amazing ... it has a term for every damn thing in this world ... so there comes the CULTURE SHOCK ...
How I longed to get stuck in a traffic jam, get to smell the diesel fumes, get to sweat in a white collarless cotton T-shirt and most importantly to speak in that strange pot-pourri of Hindi from Biharland interspersed with English and Kgp's very own lingo!! In came Orkut and Yahoo! Mail - the saviours, mails and scraps from every imaginable corner of India just seemed to spice up life just that little bit. But the icing still remained elusive.
Moments that are almost inexpressible in words were the best moments of life I ever lived ... re-living those countless days at the Garden Inn treats, the endless meetings in the Gymkhana, those never ending arguements with Kgp's best gift to me and so many other incidents that I may have never thought of in any other situation. Tears, glory, fun, smiling faces, disappointed faces all seemed to be there ... so near yet so far.
A trip to the Banffs - awesome ... nature at her best. The Rockies may be babies compared to the Himalayas but in terms of scenic beauty, they surpass the mightiest. But flip the coin - my thoughts strayed back to the trip to Darjeeling I missed with my wingies and to the last trip I had with my friends to Gangtok.
New friends, some great guys, they all were slowly starting to leave their footprints on a new path that I had chosen to tread. Only that now I had not an idea where the path leads to or beneath whose footsteps lay solid earth. Maybe it wasn't me alone ... but Nostalgia kept me going when the mind felt all alone, forsaken, when angels deserve to die.
good. happy blogging!
Good start! Keep it up.
Great start..welcome to the Blogosphere :)
great start bhee-p ....
keep going ....
wonder what got you started in the first place
a few months ago i thght the best job abt ur job was money... Now i realise its all abt getting things done... may be hard but then jobs are meant to b that way... its wonderful it suits the type of a person u are.
welcome to the world of blogging boss!!a really nice post...infact it did make me feel a bit nostalgic,even though i've some more days left at kgp...perhaps bcoz,i can place myself in quite the same situation you were in, a few days back...waiting for some more of such posts...
:) cool man!! do keep updating!!
velcome to blogging
nice post
keep blogging
thanks guys ... will try n be regular ... but then I do seem to run out of ideas sometimes!!
@nightridermonk ... this new blog was based on what u said !! :)
@Kray ... went thru ur pics ... made me even more nostalgic!! First DP-s away from home that too on a 30 hr job ... still seems crazy!!
from 1 kgp taurean to another - i now see thw stuff that i might be posting 5 years on...
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