Friday, November 25, 2005


Have been sitting in class for the whole day today ... have finished chatting up with everyone I could have possibly chatted with from the morning, finished reading previously unread blogs, finished playing TT for the day as well and am still waiting for work!! What else would a sane brain do than ponder upon useless things?

To start with the immediate - the work for the day is to load radioactive souces into tools. Well, by radioactive I mean quite a bit dangerous ... so was wondering if I might screw up my future fatherhood!! Or even if I did not, the possibilty of bearing cancerous children!! Also kept pondering upon the impending end to a "dynasty" in case the above came true.

Went on to read some of Sandy's previous blogs (just to take my mind of these useless things) ... only started to ponder upon my "old age" instead!! Oh boy ... never thought about the fact that I did indeed look upon kids with a fatherly attitude!!

Read all the tags (DD, Sandy, Suddu ...) and started dreading the day when someone might do the same to me!!

Learnt a new word - antighinastic (don't remeber who but someone wrote that on his blog). Am yet to figure out the exact meaning, but it does sound quite dreadful!!

Got more worried about my upcoming presentation since one more guy complimented me on having developed a pronoounced Scottish accent ... well, not really complimented but more like told; but what the heck, I'll take it as a compliment!!

Saw two guys on Yahoo Msngr with status messages pertaining to end sems and then read about Sandy's realization #186. How true ... started to wonder the worst sem exams I had ever faced in Kgp. Turns out that I felt the mid sems of the 8th sem to be the worst ... always that feeling of freedom at last being "so close yet so far"!!

Used to wonder about the excellence of our 'chefs' in Kgp ... seems like they used to cook **** food than what we get here!! (tats not meant to be an abuse but they are 4 stars)!! God only knows how these guys can cook such tasteless food. As one of us says we don't feel sorry for ourselves for having to eat this shit but rather for those poor creatures who eat this from birth to death!!

Enough of senseless rantings ... gtg and have some more shit in the name of dinner!! Maybe that'll make my brain blank enough to stop thinking completely ...


Blogger sandeep said...

as an amateur etymologist i would say "antighinastic" has its roots some where in i right?

one more left yaar and then the dreaded "EVAL" *trumpet blasts*

keep the faith....the end is far from near


6:57 AM  

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