Its -6 deg C outside at the moment ... one does not need to be a rocket scientist to be able to conclude that water all around is frozen. Its been snowing since last week. Remember the glorious scenes in the movies - heroes and kids, ski-ing and making snow men in bewildering white wilderness; thats really for the movies. The real experience is not quite the same. Spent 5 hours yesterday in an open snowing area trying to get a tool to warm up to a constant temperature; four more today morning in -3 degC!!

Thats not a basket ball court - its a field where I stood for those 5 hours!!
Some people prefer to be covered from head to toe but 2 months here have made me feel that the best way to acclimatise is to make love to the weather!! The moment you open up and accept it as it is, the warmer you feel ... sounds familiar?? :-)

Try and make love to the weather - no point shielding youself!!
The most horrible feeling comes when you realize that you'll be working in an open field with metal tools in falling snow ... touch it with your bare hand and before you realize it, you have no skin on your hand!! Mark the words 'before you realize it' ... they literally hold true coz you have no feeling of your skin peeling off!!
Sometimes its hard to hard to believe that I actually work in such conditions. But the human brain is an amazing piece of art (or maybe evolution!!) ... it always looks on the shinier side of the coin. Countless times I've felt daunted having to go out and stand for hours in the white open fields but each time the experience has been adventurous.
But as my blog theme goes, adventure is the spice of life ... the challenge to master the most extreme conditions and yet provide customer service of the highest quality. Imagine a worser situation ... working in the sun at midday in temperatures exceeding 55 degC. Come cold and you can pad yourself up with as many layers as you want but come heat, you can't really strip off to bare skin!!
Of course, there are countless ways to convince yourself. One among us keeps telling himself "today isn't as bad as a day when the temperature dips to -40 degC ... when it does, i'll take my vacation due!!". Yet another consoles himself thinking about the pay.
But the best among all these is the arguement that we are working in the purest environment possible ... u can even eat snow!! Some brains do become numb!! ;-)

Thats not a basket ball court - its a field where I stood for those 5 hours!!
Some people prefer to be covered from head to toe but 2 months here have made me feel that the best way to acclimatise is to make love to the weather!! The moment you open up and accept it as it is, the warmer you feel ... sounds familiar?? :-)

Try and make love to the weather - no point shielding youself!!
The most horrible feeling comes when you realize that you'll be working in an open field with metal tools in falling snow ... touch it with your bare hand and before you realize it, you have no skin on your hand!! Mark the words 'before you realize it' ... they literally hold true coz you have no feeling of your skin peeling off!!
Sometimes its hard to hard to believe that I actually work in such conditions. But the human brain is an amazing piece of art (or maybe evolution!!) ... it always looks on the shinier side of the coin. Countless times I've felt daunted having to go out and stand for hours in the white open fields but each time the experience has been adventurous.
But as my blog theme goes, adventure is the spice of life ... the challenge to master the most extreme conditions and yet provide customer service of the highest quality. Imagine a worser situation ... working in the sun at midday in temperatures exceeding 55 degC. Come cold and you can pad yourself up with as many layers as you want but come heat, you can't really strip off to bare skin!!
Of course, there are countless ways to convince yourself. One among us keeps telling himself "today isn't as bad as a day when the temperature dips to -40 degC ... when it does, i'll take my vacation due!!". Yet another consoles himself thinking about the pay.
But the best among all these is the arguement that we are working in the purest environment possible ... u can even eat snow!! Some brains do become numb!! ;-)
ki jata condition re barha.
amader ekhane ekhono zero hoyni.
terrific conditions to "make love" to the weather!!!but still, only the weather???;-)
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